Welcome to VIDYA : The Virtual Remote Interactive E-Teaching Framework!

VIE - Framework is a simple, user-friendly, effective and extremely powerful framework that allows you to define the course content for various subjects taught at the primary and secondary schools aross India. The subjects can be classified into different categories based on their age groups. The Subject Content can be in the form of labels, with provision to add Audio and Video clips. The Framework is Multi-lingual, so that the framework can be adopted on a Pan India Basis.

There is also a facility add additional information about the topic in the form of Observations, Features, Examples. Questions can be built in with interactive feedback so that scoring can be done.

The teacher who is guiding the students with these topics can pause and intervene at any time to add, supplement the existing contents or can add additional links to make the customize the topic to give a local flavour to the basic in built content. This feature is what makes this a truly Interactive Education Framework.

In case you need any more support or have suggestions, we are just a mail away. Reach out to us on : anjoonavalkar@gmail.com

Please note that this Framework is best used in small groups of 8-10, under either teachers or Parental Guidance. Teachers and Parents are encouraged to add their own material, which may be adopted in the basic framework if the editig team of VIE finds it useful.

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