QRY: What do you think of formal education?
What do you think of formal education? | Stories | EachOne EnrichOne QRY: UPDATE spotlight set VIEWS = VIEWS +1 where ID = 95

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What do you think of formal education?

There is a video by an American, where he has made a serious allegation against stagnation in Education system. He talks about how the world has changed in the last 100 years; however, we continue to teach in a similar manner till date. He says since kids have different talents, interests, why do they need to be educated in the same way. Very valid point! In India, there are various boards which are operating, catering to various levels of students. There are changes, and like every change, there are more brickbats than accolades. Urban Indian choose Education Board which suits their pocket and status rather than looking at a child’s capability. Rural Indian has no option but to rely on Govt. schools or schools run by NGOs. Everyone ultimately strives to get a certificate from the board which declares the student formally educated up to a point. 

Currently, formal education has a Board which will lay down the quantum of the study of a subject in the form of what is known as a syllabus. It will dictate the process and assessment methodology. Schools will get attached to the board and start imparting education as per the norms set by the Board. This is technically perfect education management for mass education. The problem is that the constraint which framework imposes creates various challenges.

Project Vidya attempts to experience, understand and address these challenges. These experiences can then act as a feedback to the existing framework and suggest modifications. We invite you to share your challenges and how you have figured out a resolution or a workaround. EachOne EnrichOne team will also share a regular monthly update about what we are doing, so let us start sharing our experiences.

We invite you to share your experiences and ideas. We will compile all of them then invite you over for a brainstorming session to discuss how we can make real implementation.

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