QRY: India’s CSR spend is Rs. 8000/- crores in this fiscal year !
India’s CSR spend is Rs. 8000/- crores in this fiscal year ! | Stories | EachOne EnrichOne QRY: UPDATE spotlight set VIEWS = VIEWS +1 where ID = 91

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 Mumbai       CSR     Views:479

India’s CSR spend is Rs. 8000/- crores in this fiscal year !

The report

Check out the CNBC News for details. Watch the interview about the same. You can download the KPMG survey from this link.

In spite of such a huge spend, there is a class divide between NGO’s who benefit from this spend and NGO’s who struggle to sustain. There are projects where sustainability is a regular problem. The spend for individuals with multiple disabilities or terminal illness, the expense is mammoth and unsurmountable.

If you attend any CSR meet, you will find a majority of representatives from small Non-profits, who come with lots of hope, trying to get solutions to their challenges, only to go empty-handed. The stage is dominated by handful few, no wonder they are doing a great job, however, it is not helping the small NGOs.

There is a need for a few changes in the CSR law,

  1. A certain percentage of the CSR spend should be allotted to projects where the impact is just coping up with destiny.
  2. The public limited companies should have the CSR funding application, clear process, listed on the website, with links published in popular Newspaper.
  3. Every application needs to be acknowledged and acceptance or rejection should be informed as well.
  4. The Executive summary of CSR spend of a public limited company should be published on the website.  

There are a few websites of public limited companies, which have application process defined, however, it is more out of choice rather than out of compulsion. 

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