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Steps to follow... | Stories | EachOne EnrichOne QRY: UPDATE spotlight set VIEWS = VIEWS +1 where ID = 86

Stories that Inspire

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 Mumbai       Social Work     Views:673


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Steps to follow...

Chandragupt Pawaskar enriches lives of many...

A simple unassuming man.. with extraordinary desire to commit to not just one but to multiple social causes..

Chandragupt Pawaskar was born and brought up in Shivaji Park, Mumbai - a beehive of middle-class Maharashtrian culture. After completion of his Engineering graduation, he worked for his own enterprise till one fine day, he decided to hand it over all and take a plunge into turbulent and uncertain sea of social work.

He starting with teaching Adivasi students of Tarabai Modak's & Anutai Wagh's school at Kosbad - a small hilltop between Dahanu and Bordi. He has been traveling religiously every Friday and Saturday to Kosbad from Mumbai to Kosbad for past seven years. He is now offering a multi-dimensional service in terms of vision for expansion of the facility, professional management guidance in addition to teaching Primary, secondary as well as D Ed. students.

But that is not all.. There are many who devote themselves to a cause and work sincerely. Mr. Pawaskar offers services in diverse areas. One day a week, he spends with differently abled children. He observed that these children and parents are extremely entwined with each other, irrespective of the fact that the children are grown-up individuals and parents are senior citizens. He started a novel initiative of "No Parents Day", to wean away both the parents and their wards from obsessive dependency.

In addition to this, Mr. Pawaskar is active Counselor assisting in Palliative care at Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital in Mumbai. He devotes two days a week to do either home visits or takes sessions to help patients and families of terminally ill, to cope up with life. He also translates educational books on various types of Cancers.

Though his week is occupied to causes he is dedicated to, he finds time for his hobbies and enjoys with his family. He is an excellent cook, an artist and creates innovative articles with paper, scrap etc. 

Hats off to this multi-dimensional talent, energy and enthusiasm...

Pawaskar sir is indeed a source of inspiration, telling us that there are so many things in life where you can contribute.. Enrich your life and life of others...

Honoured to have you Sir, as a part of EachOne Enrich One, laying down a path to follow your footsteps...

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