QRY: Placement Initiative at Shradhanand Mahila Ashram
Placement Initiative at Shradhanand Mahila Ashram | Stories | EachOne EnrichOne QRY: UPDATE spotlight set VIEWS = VIEWS +1 where ID = 70

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Placement Initiative at Shradhanand Mahila Ashram

Graduate Ashramkanyas at Shradhanand looking for a job

 Hindu Women-s Welfare Society was started in the year 1927 in memory of Swami Shraddhanandji (Munshiram). He was disciple of Maharshi Dayanand, the founder of Arya Samaj in 1875. Swami Shraddhanand felt the need to have shelter for Hindu women who faced problems due to social, cultural circumstances prevailing at that time and he expressed this to his contemporaries, Shri B.G. Kher, Barrister Jaykar, Shri R.D.Birla and Shri V.L.Napoo, etc. They established the Shraddhanand Mahila Ashram and within 2 years many women sought shelter in this. During the last 75 years of its existence, the Ashram has been a true home for over twenty thousand destitute women and abandoned and special children. This period has seen the Ashram developing in a multifaceted organization by undertaking many projects in an effort to cater to the needs of those who have suffered deep emotional trauma and psychological pain, often at a very young age.

Today, there are new challenges coming up while supporting these girls. There is every effort taken to look after their health and education, but after graduation, getting them a suitable job, is one of the biggest challenges. Dr. Sunil Desai, current President of Shradhanand  put together a team of advisors from the industry to get help in this activity. At this point of time there are girls who have completed the graduation or are on the verge of completing graduation, they need to get a job. Further, they need personality development and communication skills, assistance in writing their CVs and building their confidence to face the interview.

Anjoo Navalkar, Smita Gavankar and Sujata Garud of EachOneEnrichOne have joined the advisory committee and have started conducting personality development program to support this activity. This will consist of a series of interactions with the girls and with each interaction(lasting for about 2 hours), some new career avenue, some General Knowledge, life-skill will be imparted to them. Interactions will be like workshops and not classroom sessions. There will be at least one workshop held every month. The objective of these workshops is to boost their confidence by enhancing their communication and presentation skills. The first workshop was completed in May. The focus of this workshop was “Logical structure to information presentation”.

If you wish to know more about such workshops, write to :team@eachoneenrichone.com

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