QRY: EachOne EnrichOne celebrates its second birthday
EachOne EnrichOne celebrates its second birthday | Stories | EachOne EnrichOne QRY: UPDATE spotlight set VIEWS = VIEWS +1 where ID = 67

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EachOne EnrichOne celebrates its second birthday

A take on last 2 years

3rd April 2018 ..
Happy to announce EachOne EnrichOne is two years old !

Two years ago, a dream was realised..
Dream of using Information Technology for the use of Non-Profits, who are striving hard to make a social impact..

Journey so far..
It was an exciting journey trying to make two diverse worlds meet..

Extremely challenging..
Status so far, trying very hard to bridge the gap..
Success so far, gap is certainly reducing throwing positive signals..
Challenges, it is slow and difficult..

What we tried to do over last two years ?
Interacted one to one with several small Not for profit organizations, offering our assistance in technology..

We analysed the key issues of Non-Profits..

Time : Time is at a premium with the Non-Profits. 
They are struggling hard to manage time from day to day routine to embrace Technology and make it useful

Money : Non-Profits are struggling hard to make ends meet, so survival and sustenance is an issue..

Strategy: Emotional attachment of management comes in way of professional and strategic decisionmaking..

Team :Generally, there is a one person or a small team which is involved in operations. 

Is Technology the solution ? NO.
Is Money the Solution ? No

What is the solution?
There is no silver-bullet. 
The way forward could be :
- Accepting the fact that "MONEY" is important but not the only important thing needed for Sustenance
- Working out a sustenance model for the organization. Beneficiaries can be made partially or completely independent or can never be made independent, but the organization needs to have a strategy to be self-sustaining and independent. Donations should be for future survival,
not for today's oxygen
- Need to form a team of management, sharing responsibilities, sharing power
- Similar cause non-profits should come together and form a close-knit sustainable community

E1E1 can help in building sustenance strategy...
E1E1 can help in bringing community together ... 
Understanding of Technology and usage of E1E1 platform can help..

That is the plan of E1E1 going forward...
Inviting all to join the mission...

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