QRY: Hats Off Sobti Parents..
Hats Off Sobti Parents.. | Stories | EachOne EnrichOne QRY: UPDATE spotlight set VIEWS = VIEWS +1 where ID = 62

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Hats Off Sobti Parents..

Eleventh Anniversary

It is a long road full of obstacles, Himalayan challenges at every stage - Hats off to Sobti Parents Association, they stood firm on their feet - unruffled by any hurricane - not just survived for eleven long years, but built a structure to protect the blind individuals with multiple disabilities. The Respite Care Centre at Wada promises to provide respite to the hapless parents and caretakers of these special individuals. Not only that the centre strives hard to provide meaning and purpose to the life of these individuals, by training them to make optimum utilization of their special skills.

View the video to get an idea about the Sobti Respite  Care Initiative... 

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