QRY: Project Vidya Update
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Project Vidya Update

E1E1 initiative for e-teaching for rural students

We launched Project Vidya in January this year. The focus of this project was to facilitate the imparting of education at a grass-root level using technology. This will benefit students studying in rural areas where there is lack of amenities, unreliable electricity, occasional internet, difficulty in getting teachers, different mother tongue, little money, and lack of exposure which the urban children have. But these children need to appear for the same exams as their urban counterparts.

Team EachOneEnrichOne (E1E1) worked on the ground to understand the constraints and came up with a hybrid solution, where virtual and personal teaching can be combined to teach the students. There is a lot of wonderful e-learning material on the internet - free or paid for, but it is essentially targeted at students for learning individually. The Vidya software aims at the teachers. It provides a framework with content based on our teaching experience and essentially using the prescribed syllabus for teachers. For example, sometimes students in high schools are not aware of English Alphabets or Basic Arithmetic Operations, so how do you teach them? Vidya platform encapsulates our experience. This material can be delivered personally or using a virtual classroom.

We are in the first phase of Project Vidya. Each phase has a timeline of one year. In this phase, we plan to complete the Vidya software platform 1.0 with the content (Mathematics and Science) meant for SSC Board, 10th Standard Marathi Medium students. This platform will be officially launched during Diwali. So stay tuned for more updates.

Status as of 30th Sept 2019:
  • The framework and content for 10th standard Maths and Science are almost ready. The platform is in the Alpha Testing stage undergoing live validation at Anutai Wagh School, Kosbad, Dahanu.
  • At the end of Phase 1, we intend to release Vidya 1.0 on the cloud, free for the use of schools teaching Maths and Science to 10th Standard SSC Board, Marathi Medium.

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