QRY: Library – Books, Toys and Board Games…
Library – Books, Toys and Board Games… | Stories | EachOne EnrichOne QRY: UPDATE spotlight set VIEWS = VIEWS +1 where ID = 109

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Library – Books, Toys and Board Games…

E1E1 initiative for personality development

No school is complete without a Library. But we are aware that there are schools without Library facilities. The students do not have access to storybooks or the games /toys which give them exposure, helps learn new things, increase concentration, and refine judgement.

As we were in the midst of implementing Project Vidya, we found that the children from underprivileged schools were struggling with words. Their verbal and oral communication was very poor, as a result, it affected their overall progress in the school. Building a Library, encouraging them to read would definitely help in this area. Additionally, toys and board games would provide enjoyment and simultaneously, increase their ability to imagine, think logically, understand and apply rules. This will help in their personality development.

Team EachOneEnrichOne would like to announce a project to help such schools to avail of Library facility. We invite you to join the team and support in this project.

Project Fun and Learn
  • We will collect books, toys and board games either new or used ones in good condition.
  • This collection is meant for school children - Primary and Secondary.
  • We would welcome books in Marathi, English and Hindi, using simple language.
  • Story Books - fiction, Science fiction, Travels, Biographies etc.
  • Educational Toys & Board Games, Kits for making models, robots etc.

How can you contribute?
  • You can contribute by donating books and Toys/Games
  • And/OR you can become a collection centre in your locality.

    Interested? Send a Whatsapp message on 9930811662, and we will get in touch with you.
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