QRY: Demonstration of E-teaching
Demonstration of E-teaching | Stories | EachOne EnrichOne QRY: UPDATE spotlight set VIEWS = VIEWS +1 where ID = 106

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 Kosbad, Dahanu       Rural Education     Views:731


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Demonstration of E-teaching

E-teaching is the most feasible alternative to actual classroom teaching.

Computers and the Internet have touched all the personal and professional spheres of our lives. Education is one of the most prominent areas benefitted by this avalanche. Digital learning, e-learning, digital educational content are now firmly entrenched not only in the urban education eco-system but also in the rural education system. And that is Good News..

However, there are challenges:
  1. Education content caters to a level of students, and hence a set of digital content cannot vary as per the students' ability to grasp. Therefore about 20% can learn by self-study, 80% students need help from a parent or a teacher.
  2. Teachers are a scarcity. Especially in remote rural areas, so the option is volunteers from neighbouring towns who can help out. However, this causes a huge commitment problem, due to lack of facility to stay or the travel to these remote schools.
  3. Young students do need the actual physical presence of the teacher. The more they like the teacher, the more they like the subject he or she teaches.
  4. Though computers are donated to these schools, there are issues related to electricity, internet connections and maintenance.

Considering these challenges, we launched Project Vidya. Nutan Bal Shikshan Sangh's (NBSS) progressive management encouraged this project of e-teaching. Watch the live demonstration of e-teaching.

Given below are some measures taken by Project Vidya to address above-mentioned challenges:
  1.  Education content is being customized to address the variable level of students.
  2.  Volunteer teachers from urban areas, do teaching at the school for a few turns and then they are trained to handled remote interactive teaching.
  3.  Looking for a donor for NBSS to pay for solar panels to provide uninterrupted electricity.
  4.  Internet bandwidth is still an issue, so an online, offline teaching method is worked out.

The objective of Project Vidya is to completely focus on NBSS and get the concept of Interactive learning institutionalised and then replicate the project across other schools.

Write to eachoneenrichone@gmail.com for further information.

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